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  G e r m a n  L a n g u a g e                S c h o o l  C o n f e r e n c e

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Your GLSC Membership is Your Support of German Language Instruction

Being part of the only nationwide organization serving the interests of community-based German language schools in the United States demonstrates your commitment to our common goals of maintaining and fostering the language and culture of German-speaking countries in the US. Nationwide German language programs continue to be cut or eliminated. There is no better time to make a commitment – to your school, its students, their parents, and to the GLSC, whose mission it is to effectively advocate for the future of German schools in this country.



Your GLSC Membership is Your Networking Tool
Your membership keeps you connected to many member schools with goals and missions similar to yours and to hundreds of like-minded colleagues who share your passion for teaching the German language and culture across all ages and levels of instruction. You are part of our vibrant community, both through our website, E-Notes, and at our yearly conference.



Your GLSC Membership is your Way to Stay Informed

Our GLSC members benefit from much variety: important information on our website, news on Facebook and in E-Notes, a wide variety of professional development workshops at our yearly conference, as well as case-based consulting in administrative and pedagogical matters.


Your GLSC Membership Makes Your Voice Heard

As a member, you can be sure that your interests are represented in professional and political organizations. The GLSC advocates for its members at the German Embassy and Consulates as well as in professional organizations in the United States and worldwide.


Your GLSC Membership Furthers your Teachers’ Professional Growth
There are many ways to use the energy and professional skills of your teachers and administrators to involve them when your school is a member of the GLSC. It’s easy for them to find a group and network with colleagues and to find information of value to their professional growth. Active participation at our professional workshops is one of the best ways to learn about best practices, administrative information and new policies.



Your GLSC Membership is your Way to Showcase

As a member, your school is represented in the directory on our website. Show off your achievements: Your school and its current activities can be featured in our E-Notes that every member receives. Do you think your teacher or administrators are doing a great job? Nominate them for the annual GLSC Merit Award and let their terrific work be known to all their colleagues!



Your GLSC Membership Saves you Money

Don’t miss out on our member benefits. As a member, you benefit from special rates at our Annual Conference, are featured on our website, and receive E-Notes at no additional cost.




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 PO Box 1610, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 |  |  Tel. 203.792.2795

The German Language School Conference, incorporated since 1978, a 501(c)(6) tax-exempt organization

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